1 films Lijst
1.1 Films
1.1.1 First Movie
X-men (2000)
1.1.2 Aankomende Films
Not yet announced
1.1.3 De bekende films
X2 (2003), X-men (2000), X-men: the last stand (2006)
1.1.4 Anders Films
A day in the life of a superhero: Part I (2014)
1.2 media Characters
1.3 Animatiefilms
1.3.1 Eerste Animated Film
Astonishing x-men: torn (2012)
1.3.2 Aankomende Animatiefilms
Not yet announced
1.3.3 Famous Animatiefilms
The Badly Animated Marvel Christmas Carol (2014)
1.3.4 Andere Animatiefilms
Fast times at hero high (2003)