1 kakuwasan
1.1 tingkat kekuatan
110000 lbsTanpa wates
1.2 statistik
1.2.1 Intelligence
1.2.2 kekuatan
1.2.3 kacepetan
1.2.4 kekiatan
1.2.5 daya
1.2.6 pertempuran
1.3 kakuwasan super
1.3.1 khusus kakuwasan
astral projection, khayalan casting, Omni lingual, psionic
daya jeblugan, penipuan dimensi, kakuwasan gaib, penipuan bumi, pesawat, kontrol pusat gravitasi, marasake awakmu, dhowo umure, Piandel, patangen
1.3.2 kakuwasan fisik
stamina manungsa super, manungsa kekuatan super
manungsa pangrungon super, pikiran sehat super manungsa, kacepetan manungsa super, stamina manungsa super, manungsa kekuatan super, sesanti super
1.4 senjata
1.4.1 waja
1.4.2 Gadgets
1.4.3 peralatan
gun ijolan pikiran sementara
ora peralatan
1.5 kabisan
1.5.1 kabisan fisik
radiation, penipuan ukuran
1.5.2 kabisan mental
invulnerability, Kepemimpinan, Omni-lingual, psionic, link ramalan, telekinesis, telepathy
tingkat genius embun, resistance psionic, telepathy, Teleport, kontrol weather
2 jeneng nyata
2.1 jeneng
2.1.1 ngowahi EGO
2.1.2 alias
badai, ratu putih
Galan, ashta, devourer saka donya, kagawe Walônda gedhe lan monster kabeh donya
2.2 sing main
2.2.1 ing film
January Jones, Laura Svasta, Lauren Bregman
Not Yet Appeared
2.3 kulawarga
2.3.1 tresna kapentingan
2.4 genre
2.4.1 gender1
2.4.2 gender2
2.4.3 identitas
2.4.4 alignment
pahlawan super
2.4.5 gender
3 mungsuh
3.1 satrune
3.1.1 foes
3.2 kekirangan
3.2.1 kekirangan pokok
3.2.2 kekirangan medical
3.3 lan kanca-kanca
3.3.1 kanca
3.3.2 sidekick
3.3.3 tim
ora kasedhiya
ora kasedhiya
4 fakta
4.1 asal
4.1.1 Tanggal lahir
4.1.2 nitahake
Chris Claremont, John Byrne
Jack Kirby, Stan Lee
4.1.3 Semesta
4.1.4 publisher
komik marvel
komik marvel
4.2 kapisanan
4.2.1 ing komik
x-wong # 129
Fantastic papat # 48
4.2.2 penampilan komik
4719 masalah1135 masalah
4.3 ciri
4.3.1 dhuwur
4.3.2 rambuté
4.3.3 bobot
144 lbs36000 lbs
4.3.4 mripat werna
4.4 profile
4.4.1 lomba
4.4.2 kewarganegaraan
4.4.3 status perkawinan
4.4.4 Pakaryan
Planet devourer, Force Katelu imbangan Universe antarane Eternity lan Pati, nullifying Abraxas Pengaruh ing Multiverse, Face Katelu Living Tribunal makili Equity
4.4.5 Base
(Saiki) Emma Frost makaryakke saka Massachusetts Academy, Snow Valley, Massachusetts, (mantan) Hellfire Club omah gedhong ing New York City, ngarep ing Berkshire Gunung ing Massachusetts (cedhak Massachusetts Academy), lan panggonan panggonan ing vari
Worldship (aka Taa II); sanadyan iku umume mobile saindhenging jagad liwat starships bundher ing panelusuran planèt cocok kanggo nganggo.
4.4.6 sederek
ora kasedhiya
ora kasedhiya
5 dhaftar film
5.1 film
5.1.1 film pisanan
X-men: first class (2011)
Not Yet Appeared
5.1.2 filme
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.1.3 film misuwur
X-men origins: wolverine (2009)
Not Yet Appeared
5.1.4 film liyane
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
5.2 karakter media
5.3 film animasi
5.3.1 film animasi kapisan
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
5.3.2 film animasi mbesuk
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.3.3 film animasi misuwur
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
5.3.4 film animasi liyane
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
6 dhaftar game
6.1 game xbox
6.1.1 xbox 360
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad:comic combat (2011)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (2010, Marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds (2011), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)
6.1.2 xbox
The incredible hulk (2008), X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)
6.2 game ps
6.2.1 ps3
Marvel super hero squad:comic combat (2011)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (2010, Marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds (2011), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)
6.2.2 ps4
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
6.2.3 ps2
X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)
6.3 game pc
6.3.1 Macintosh
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad online (2011)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
6.3.2 windows
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel heroes (2013), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)