1 kakuwasan
1.1 tingkat kekuatan
22000 lbsora Sumadhiya
1.2 statistik
1.2.1 Intelligence
1.2.3 kekuatan
1.2.5 kacepetan
1.2.7 kekiatan
1.2.9 daya
4.1.2 pertempuran
4.2 kakuwasan super
4.2.1 khusus kakuwasan
tandha saka Kaine, wall clinger, wall-crawling
clairvoyance, penambahan kopral, pesawat, poto-rezeki, transformasi
4.2.2 kakuwasan fisik
prigel manungsa super, kekiatan manungsa super, reflexes super manungsa, kacepetan manungsa super, stamina manungsa super, manungsa kekuatan super, keseimbangn superhuman
prigel manungsa super, reflexes super manungsa, kacepetan manungsa super, stamina manungsa super, manungsa kekuatan super
4.3 senjata
4.3.1 waja
4.3.2 Gadgets
Spider-glider, sabuk sarana
ora Gadgets
4.3.3 peralatan
talons, adi web, web-tembak
4.4 kabisan
4.4.1 kabisan fisik
pertempuran, wall clinging
marasake awakmu, kilat, pameca
4.4.2 kabisan mental
gadgetry, tingkat genius embun, bakal Mrudula, Kepemimpinan
kalbu apik, hipnotis, invulnerability, Omni-lingual, optimisme
5 jeneng nyata
5.1 jeneng
5.1.1 ngowahi EGO
Otto gunther Octavius
william joseph Batson
5.1.2 alias
doc ock, master Planner, unggul Spider-man, venom, venom unggul
Shazam lan kapten gludhug
5.2 sing main
5.2.1 ing film
Alfred Molina
Donald F. Glut, Jeremy Marton, Tom Tyler
5.3 kulawarga
5.3.1 tresna kapentingan
5.4 genre
5.4.1 gender1
5.4.2 gender2
5.4.3 identitas
5.4.4 alignment
pahlawan super
5.4.5 gender
6 mungsuh
6.1 satrune
6.1.1 foes
6.2 kekirangan
6.2.1 kekirangan pokok
tindikan obyek, bahan kimia beracun
lawan listrik
6.2.2 kekirangan medical
negara mental, lemes fisik lan mental
kilat Piandel
6.3 lan kanca-kanca
6.3.1 kanca
6.3.2 sidekick
6.3.3 tim
ora kasedhiya
ora kasedhiya
7 fakta
7.1 asal
7.1.1 Tanggal lahir
7.3.2 nitahake
Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Bill Parker, C.C.Beck
7.3.3 Semesta
7.3.4 publisher
7.4 kapisanan
7.4.1 ing komik
sange Spider-man # 3
komik whiz # 2 (Februari 1940)
7.4.2 penampilan komik
1621 masalah1557 masalah
7.6 ciri
7.6.1 dhuwur
9.3.3 rambuté
9.3.4 bobot
9.3.5 mripat werna
9.4 profile
9.4.1 lomba
9.4.2 kewarganegaraan
9.4.3 status perkawinan
9.4.4 Pakaryan
Mantan konsultan atom-riset, mastermind pidana
ora kasedhiya
9.4.5 Base
New York City
ora kasedhiya
9.4.6 sederek
ora kasedhiya
ora kasedhiya
10 dhaftar film
10.1 film
10.1.1 film pisanan
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)
10.1.2 filme
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
10.1.3 film misuwur
Not Yet Appeared
Captain Marvel (1962), Heroes Crossing (2010)
10.1.4 film liyane
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
10.2 karakter media
10.3 film animasi
10.3.1 film animasi kapisan
Spider-Man: Attack of the Octopus (2002)
Superman/batman: public enemies (2009)
10.3.2 film animasi mbesuk
Not yet announced
Justice league: throne of atlantis (2015)
10.3.3 film animasi misuwur
Spider-Man and the Rise of Darkness (2014)
Justice league: the flashpoint paradox (2013), Justice league: war (2014)
10.3.4 film animasi liyane
Not yet appeared
DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection (2010), DC Showcase: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam(2010)
11 dhaftar game
11.1 game xbox
11.1.1 xbox 360
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Spider-Man Unlimited (2014), Spider-Man: Edge of Time (2011), Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (2007)
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
11.1.2 xbox
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
11.2 game ps
11.2.1 ps3
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Spider-Man: Edge of Time (2011)
DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (2008)
11.2.2 ps4
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
11.2.3 ps2
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (2007)
Not yet appeared
11.3 game pc
11.3.1 Macintosh
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Spider-Man Unlimited (2014)
Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
11.3.2 windows
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Spider-Man Unlimited (2014), Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (2007)
DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)