1 kekuatan
1.1 kekuatan Tingkat
Tidak tersedia110000 lbs
1.2 statistika
1.2.1 Intelijen
1.2.2 Kekuatan
1.2.3 Kecepatan
1.2.4 Daya tahan
1.2.5 Kekuasaan
1.2.6 Tempur
1.3 super Powers
1.3.1 Powers khusus
Canary Cry, Seni bela diri, tipu
Proyeksi astral, Illusion Casting, Omni Lingual, psionic
1.3.2 Powers fisik
kelincahan manusia Super, kecepatan manusia super, stamina manusia Super, kekuatan manusia super
stamina manusia Super, kekuatan manusia super
1.4 senjata
1.4.1 Baja
karbon kevlar polimer serat jala, Cukup Perbaikan Nanobots
Tidak ada armor
1.4.2 gadget
Pelet gas, frekuensi tinggi sonic Disruptor, Sonic Screamers, ayunan Garis
Tidak ada gadget
1.4.3 Peralatan
Canary Cry Bom, Oracle Tek
Gun untuk bertukar pikiran sementara
1.5 kemampuan
1.5.1 Kemampuan fisik
Tinju, Naga Style Kung Fu, Judo, Taekwondo
1.5.2 Kemampuan Mental
tingkat jenius intelek, Penyelidikan, Analisis taktis
Kekebalan, Kepemimpinan, Omni-lingual, psionic, Tautan psikis, telekinesis, Telepati
2 Nama asli
2.1 Nama
2.1.1 aku yg kedua
Dinah Laurel Lance
Emma Rahmat Frost
2.1.2 Alias
Bombshell, Sonic Siren, nyaring Canary dan Scream Queen
Storm, Ratu Putih
2.2 yang Dimainkan
2.2.1 dalam Film
Not Yet Appeared
January Jones, Laura Svasta, Lauren Bregman
2.3 Keluarga
2.3.1 cinta Bunga
2.4 Aliran
2.4.1 Gender1
2.4.2 Gender2
2.4.3 Identitas
2.4.4 Penjajaran
2.4.5 Jenis kelamin
3 musuh
3.1 musuh
3.1.1 musuh
3.2 Kelemahan
3.2.1 Kelemahan Elemental
Sihir, piercing benda, serangan berkisar
tidak diketahui
3.2.2 Kelemahan medis
Penuaan, Tubuh manusia
3.3 Dan teman-teman
3.3.1 teman
3.3.2 Sahabat karib
3.3.3 tim
Justice League Elite.Justice Legion Alpha.Birds of Prey .Justice Society of America .Justice League.
tidak tersedia
4 fakta
4.1 Asal
4.1.1 Tanggal lahir
4.1.2 Pencipta
Carmine Infantino, Dick Dillin, Robert Kanigher
Chris Claremont, John Byrne
4.1.3 Alam semesta
4.1.4 Penerbit
4.2 Penampilan pertama
4.2.1 dalam Komik
Justice League of America # 75 (November 1969)
X-Men # 129
4.2.2 Penampilan komik
2105 Masalah4719 Masalah
4.3 karakteristik
4.3.1 Tinggi
4.3.2 Warna rambut
Berambut pirang
Berambut pirang
4.3.3 Berat
4.3.4 Warna mata
4.4 Profil
4.4.1 Ras
4.4.2 Kewarganegaraan
4.4.3 Status perkawinan
4.4.4 Pendudukan
Florist, mantan detektif swasta
4.4.5 Mendasarkan
Gotham City, Park City
Character length exceed error
4.4.6 Keluarga
Richard Drake (ayah), Lawrence Lance (suami), Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary, putri), Oliver Queen (Green Arrow, anak-dalam-hukum)
tidak tersedia
5 Daftar film
5.1 bioskop
5.1.1 pertama Film
Not Yet Appeared
X-men: first class (2011)
5.1.2 Film yang akan datang
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.1.3 Film yang terkenal
Not yet announced
X-men origins: wolverine (2009)
5.1.4 Film lainnya
Not yet announced
Not Yet Appeared
5.2 Karakter Media
5.3 Film animasi
5.3.1 Animated Film Pertama
Batgirl: Year One (2009)
Not yet appeared
5.3.2 Mendatang Film Animasi
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.3.3 Terkenal Film Animasi
DC Showcase: Green Arrow (2010), Justice league: crisis on two earths (2010)
Not yet appeared
5.3.4 Film animasi lainnya
DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection (2010), DC Showcase: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam(2010)
Not yet appeared
6 Daftar Permainan
6.1 Xbox Game
6.1.1 Xbox 360
Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Young justice: legacy (2013)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad:comic combat (2011)
6.1.2 Xbox
Justice league heroes (2006)
The incredible hulk (2008), X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)
6.2 PS Game
6.2.1 PS3
DC universe online (2011), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Young justice: legacy (2013)
Marvel super hero squad:comic combat (2011)
6.2.2 PS4
DC universe online (2011), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
6.2.3 PS2
Justice league heroes (2006)
X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)
6.3 PC Games
6.3.1 Jas hujan
Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad online (2011)
6.3.2 jendela
DC universe online (2011), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Young justice: legacy (2013)
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel heroes (2013), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005)