1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
4.1.2 Creator
Brian Michael, David Mack, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Ramona Fradon, Robert Bernstein
4.1.3 Universe
4.1.4 Publisher
4.2 First Appearance
4.2.1 In Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Adventure Comics #269 - Krypto's Mean Master! / The Comic Book Archer! / The Kid from Atlantis!
4.2.2 Comic Appearances
465 Issues742 Issues
4.3 Characteristics
4.3.1 Height
4.3.2 Hair Color
4.3.3 Weight
4.3.4 Eye Color
4.4 Profile
4.4.1 Race
4.4.2 Citizenship
4.4.3 Marital Status
4.4.4 Occupation
Special Consultant to "The Pulse", a Daily Bugle supplement; formerly private investigator, adventurer, short-time vigilante
4.4.5 Base
4.4.6 Relatives
Not Available
Tito Bohusk (son); Axel Bohusk (son); Kara Bohusk (daughter); three other unidentified children;