
Heat Wave
Heat Wave


Heat Wave

Heat Wave vs Nightwing

1 Powers
1.1 Strength Level
100 lbs352 lbs
100 880000
1.2 Statistics
1.2.1 Intelligence
Solomon Grundy
9 100
1.2.3 Strength
Rocket Raccoon
5 100
1.2.4 Speed
John Constantine
8 100
1.2.6 Durability
10 100
4.1.2 Power
1 100
4.1.3 Combat
10 100
4.2 Super Powers
4.2.1 Special Powers
Blast power, Fire Control, Heat Generation
Martial arts, Stick Fighting Master
4.2.2 Physical Powers
Super human agility, Super human durability, Super human endurance, Super human speed, Super human stamina, Super human strength
4.3 Weapons
4.3.1 Armor
No armor
Nightwing Suit
4.3.2 Gadgets
No gadgets
Nightwing Boots, Nightwing Mask, Transformable Car, Wing Glider
4.3.3 Equipment
No Equipment
Batarang, Nightwing Gauntlets, Regurgitant as pellets smoke capsules, Wing Dings
4.4 Abilities
4.4.1 Physical Abilities
Unarmed Combat, Weapon Master, Marksmanship, Escape artist
Acrobat, Escape artist, Gymnastics, Marksmanship, Stealth
4.4.2 Mental Abilities
Genius level intellect, Indomitable will, Leadership, Master Detective, Multilingualism, Tactical Analysis, Tracking
5 Real Name
5.1 Name
5.1.1 Alter Ego
Mick Rory
Richard John "Dick" Grayson
5.1.2 Alias
Mick Rory Rory Calhoun Heatwave Heat-Wave
Robin, Batman, Renegade, Target & Freddie Dinardo
5.2 Who Played
5.2.1 In Films
Not Yet Appeared
Christian Reyes, Daniel Vincent Gordh, Justin Ferguson, Nathan Anthony Bologna
5.3 Family
5.3.1 Love Interest
5.4 Genre
5.4.1 Gender1
5.4.2 Gender2
5.4.3 Identity
5.4.4 Alignment
5.4.5 Gender
6 Enemies
6.1 Enemies of
6.1.1 Foes
6.2 Weakness
6.2.1 Elemental Weakness
6.2.2 Medical Weakness
6.3 And Friends
6.3.1 Friends
6.3.2 Sidekick
6.3.3 Teams
Not Available
Not Available
7 Facts
7.1 Origin
7.1.1 Date of Birth
Not Available
9.3.3 Creator
John Broome, Carmine Infantino
Bill Finger, Bob Kane
9.3.4 Universe
Earth-One, New Earth
New earth
9.3.5 Publisher
DC comics
DC comics
9.4 First Appearance
9.4.1 In Comics
The Flash #140 - The Heat Is On... For Captain Cold!
Detective Comics #38 - Introducing Robin, The Boy Wonder
9.4.2 Comic Appearances
288 Issues5151 Issues
3 11983
9.5 Characteristics
9.5.1 Height
5.11 ft5.10 ft
0.5 28.9
9.5.2 Hair Color
9.5.3 Weight
179 lbs175 lbs
1 544000
9.5.4 Eye Color
9.6 Profile
9.6.1 Race
9.6.2 Citizenship
9.6.3 Marital Status
9.6.4 Occupation
Professional Criminal
Vigilante and detective, former police officer, former Circus Acrobat
9.6.5 Base
Central City
Wayne Tower, Gotham City; formerly the Batcave; formerly Bludhaven; formerly New York City
9.6.6 Relatives
Not Available
Not Available
10 Movies List
10.1 Movies
10.1.1 First Movie
Not Yet Appeared
Last son of krypton (2013)
10.1.2 Upcoming Movies
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
10.1.3 Famous Movies
Not Yet Appeared
The Dark Knight Legacy (2013), Unknown
10.1.4 Other Movies
Not Yet Appeared
No Laughing Matter (2013), The Man Who Laughs (2014)
10.2 Media Characters
10.3 Animated Movies
10.3.1 First Animated Movie
Not yet appeared
Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010)
10.3.2 Upcoming Animated Movies
Not yet appeared
Not yet announced
10.3.3 Famous Animated Movies
Not yet appeared
Batman vs. Robin (2015)
10.3.4 Other Animated Movies
Not yet appeared
Son of batman (2014), Teen Titans vs. Suicide Squad (2015)
11 Games List
11.1 Xbox Games
11.1.1 Xbox 360
Not yet appeared
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Lego batman: the video game (2008), Young justice: legacy (2013)
11.1.2 Xbox
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
11.2 PS Games
11.2.1 PS3
Not yet appeared
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Lego batman: the video game (2008), Young justice: legacy (2013)
11.2.2 PS4
Not yet appeared
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)
11.2.3 PS2
Not yet appeared
Lego batman: the video game (2008)
11.3 PC Games
11.3.1 Macintosh
Not yet appeared
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Lego batman: the video game (2008)
11.3.2 Windows
Not yet appeared
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Lego batman: the video game (2008), Young justice: legacy (2013)

Heat Wave vs Nightwing Comparison

Looking for a proper Heat Wave Nightwing Comparison?We know lots about All Superheroes and Super Villains but when it comes to choose the best from the lot, we are in a fix. You need not worry anymore as we are providing you with the most reliable information about Heat Wave vs Nightwing powers, enemies, key facts and much more. Now you can simply check out Heat Wave vs Nightwing comparison.Compare Heat Wave vs Nightwing on basis of powers, enemies, key facts and much more.

Heat Wave vs Nightwing Films List

Aren't you keen on comparing Heat Wave vs Nightwing films list?We are providing you a table where you can get a comparison list of their first live action movie. Did you know Heat Wave's first movie is not yet directed, but with growing popularity of the genre we might soon get to watch movie based on this character. whereas Nightwing’s first movie is Last Son Of Krypton (2013). Aren't you keen on getting Heat Wave vs Nightwing comparison on the basis of names of artists who portrayed these famous characters? The actors who played Heat Wave are Not Yet Appeared. The ones who played Nightwing are Christian Reyes, Daniel Vincent Gordh, Justin Ferguson and Nathan Anthony Bologna. For more comparison of movies, you can visit Heat Wave vs Nightwing Movies List.

Heat Wave vs Nightwing Games List

Apart from movies and TV series, many characters have started appearing in various games formats as well. We provide you a sorted Heat Wave vs Nightwing games list. When we discuss about Heat Wave, currently there are no games that are designed on this character for PS4 platform. Whereas when we confess about the games list of Nightwing that supports PS4, will include famous games like Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013) and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014).The games supporting Xbox format for Heat Wave, are not yet designed, but with growing fan following, this character will certainly get famous in gaming media.On the other hand when we press the list of games of Nightwing compatible with Xbox platform, we don't have any famous game that is specially schemed to be played on Xbox. To compare more about Heat Wave vs Nightwing, keep reading.

Heat Wave vs Nightwing Abilities & Powers

Want to compare Heat Wave vs Nightwing powers and abilities? We are providing you a comparison table where you can compare Heat Wave vs Nightwing abilities & powers. The special powers of Heat Wave are Blast power, Fire control and Heat generation and the distinct powers that make Nightwing powerful are Martial arts and Stick fighting master. As we are talking about the physical powers of super characters, you can also check out the Characters with Super Human Strength. Along with the powers, there are certain abilities that distinguish the character from the rest of superheroes and supervillains. The physical abilities of Heat Wave are Escape artist, Marksmanship, Unarmed combat and Weapon master and that of Nightwing are Acrobat, Escape artist, Gymnastics, Marksmanship and Stealth.