Planet Devourer, Third Force of the Universe balance between Eternity and Death, Nullifying Abraxas Influence on the Multiverse, Third Face of the Living Tribunal representing Equity
Vigilante; former journalist for the Daily Globe
Not Available
Carl Brock (father, estranged), Janine Brock (mother, deceased), Mary Brock (sister), Ann Weying (ex-wife, deceased), Symbiotes relatives: Toxin Symbiote (current symbiote, former grandson), Venom Symbiote (former symbiote, grandfather, former brother), Agony, Phage, Riot, Lasher (uncles, former sons), Scorn (sister, former niece), Carnage (father, former son), Scream (aunt, former daughter, deceased), Hybrid (uncle, former son, deceased)