1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
1.1.2 Creator
Gardner fox, Howard Sherman
Bob Layton, Louise Simonson
1.1.3 Universe
1.1.4 Publisher
1.2 First Appearance
1.2.1 In Comics
More Fun Comics #55 - Zor
X-Factor #5
1.2.2 Comic Appearances
792 Issues1114 Issues
1.3 Characteristics
1.3.1 Height
1.3.2 Hair Color
1.3.3 Weight
1.3.4 Eye Color
1.4 Profile
1.4.1 Race
1.4.2 Citizenship
1.4.3 Marital Status
1.4.4 Occupation
Student; formerly Conqueror; Scientist
1.4.5 Base
Tower of Fate, Salem, Massachusetts
Celestial Ship, mobile
1.4.6 Relatives
Not Available
Baal of the Crimson Sands (adopted father, deceased)