1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
1.1.2 Creator
Don heck, Don Rico, Sam Rosen, Stan Lee
John buscema, Stan Lee
1.1.3 Universe
1.1.4 Publisher
Marvel comics
Marvel comics
1.2 First Appearance
1.2.1 In Comics
Tales of Suspense #52
She-Hulk (Vol. 1) #1
1.2.2 Comic Appearances
2508 Issues2164 Issues
1.3 Characteristics
1.3.1 Height
1.3.2 Hair Color
1.3.3 Weight
1.3.4 Eye Color
1.4 Profile
1.4.1 Race
1.4.2 Citizenship
1.4.3 Marital Status
1.4.4 Occupation
Adventurer, Intelligence agent, former ballerina
Lawyer, Magistra of the Living Tribunal
1.4.5 Base
Law offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway; formerly Avengers Mansion; Baxter Building, Four Freedoms Plaza
1.4.6 Relatives
Not Available
Not Available