1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
1.1.2 Creator
Tony Isabella, Trevor Von Eeden
Walter Simonson
1.1.3 Universe
1.1.4 Publisher
1.2 First Appearance
1.2.1 In Comics
The Comic Reader #139 - Issue #139
Thor #337 (November, 1983)
1.2.2 Comic Appearances
650 Issues286 Issues
1.3 Characteristics
1.3.1 Height
1.3.2 Hair Color
1.3.3 Weight
1.3.4 Eye Color
1.4 Profile
1.4.1 Race
1.4.2 Citizenship
1.4.3 Marital Status
1.4.4 Occupation
Crime Fighter, High School teacher, Former gold-medal-winning Olympic Decathlete, formerly Secretary of Education under Presidents Pete Ross and Lex Luthor.
Guardian of the Korbinite race
1.4.5 Base
Chicago, Illinois; Metropolis, The Hall & The JLA Watchtower
currently New York City, formerly Asgard, formerly the fleet of Korbinite ships.
1.4.6 Relatives