1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
1.1.2 Creator
Grant Morrison, Ethan Van Sciver
Chris Claremont, Jim Mooney
1.1.3 Universe
1.1.4 Publisher
Marvel comics
Marvel comics
1.2 First Appearance
1.2.1 In Comics
New X-Men #117 - Danger Rooms
Ms. Marvel #16 - The Deep Deadly Silence!
1.2.2 Comic Appearances
388 Issues2132 Issues
1.3 Characteristics
1.3.1 Height
1.3.2 Hair Color
Blond (currently); White (as Beak)
1.3.3 Weight
1.3.4 Eye Color
Blue (currently); Black (as Beak)
1.4 Profile
1.4.1 Race
1.4.2 Citizenship
1.4.3 Marital Status
1.4.4 Occupation
Special operative for Germany and the United States governments, (former) German Freedom Fighter, special operative in the Weapon X Project Team
1.4.5 Base
1.4.6 Relatives
Charles (father), Kathy (mother), Angel Salvadore (wife), Tito (son), Axel (son), Kara (daughter), three unidentified children
Not Available