1 Facts
1.1 Origin
1.1.1 Date of Birth
3.3.3 Creator
Adam Kubert
Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck
3.3.4 Universe
3.3.5 Publisher
3.4 First Appearance
3.4.1 In Comics
Detective Comics #359 (January, 1967)
Amazing Spider-Man#252 (May, 1984)
3.4.2 Comic Appearances
2094 Issues1455 Issues
3.5 Characteristics
3.5.1 Height
3.5.2 Hair Color
3.5.3 Weight
3.5.4 Eye Color
3.6 Profile
3.6.1 Race
3.6.2 Citizenship
3.6.3 Marital Status
3.6.4 Occupation
Vigilante; former journalist for the Daily Globe, government operative
3.6.5 Base
Gotham City, formerly Metropolis, Platinum Flats
New York, New York
3.6.6 Relatives
James Gordon (father) � Barbara Eileen (mother) � James Gordon, Jr.
Not Available