Primul film
Iron man (2008)
Daredevil (2003)
filme viitoare
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
filme celebre
Avengers: age of ultron (2015), Captain america: the winter soldier (2014)
Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941), Elektra (2005)
alte filme
Captain america: the first avenger (2011), The avengers (2012)
A toast to green lantern (2011)
filme animate
Primul film de animație
Ultimate avengers (2006)
Iron Fist: The Dragon Unleashed (2008)
filme animate viitoare
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
filme animate celebri
Iron man: rise of technovore (2013), Spider-Man and the Rise of Darkness (2014)
Not yet appeared
alte filme animate
The Death of Spider-Man (2011)
Not yet appeared