Supererou V/S

Mary Jane Jocuri listai vs Bane Jocuri Lista

Bane Jocuri listai vs Mary Jane Jocuri Lista

Jocuri lista

jocuri xbox

Xbox 360
Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel avengers: battle for earth (2012), Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (2010, Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Spider-Man: Edge of Time (2011), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014), Superman returns (2006), Young justice: legacy (2013)   

Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
Superman returns (2006), Superman: the man of steel (2002)   

jocuri ps

Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (2010, Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Spider-Man: Edge of Time (2011), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
Batman: arkham asylum (2009), Batman: arkham city (2011), Batman: arkham origins (2013), DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 2: DC super heroes (2012), Lego batman: the video game (2008), Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (2008), Young justice: legacy (2013)   

Lego marvel super heroes (2013), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)   

Marvel Super Hero Squad (2009), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
Not yet appeared   

jocuri pc

Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad online (2011), Spider-Man Unlimited (2014), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)   

Disney infinity: marvel super heroes (2014), Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad online (2011), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Spider-Man Unlimited (2014), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)   
Batman: arkham origins (2013), DC universe online (2011), Injustice: gods among us (2013), Lego batman 3: beyond gotham (2014)   

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