superbohaterem V/S

Clea Lista gier vs Blob Lista gier

Blob Lista gier vs Clea Lista gier

Lista gier

Xbox Games

Xbox 360
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), X-men origins: wolverine (2009)   

Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005), X-men: next dimension (2002)   

PS Games

Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), X-men origins: wolverine (2009)   

jeszcze nie pojawił   
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)   

Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
X-Men Legends (2004), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005), X-men origins: wolverine (2009), X-men: next dimension (2002)   

PC Games

jeszcze nie pojawił   
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)   

Marvel heroes (2013), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)   
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel heroes (2013), X-men legends II: rise of apocalypse (2005), X-men origins: wolverine (2009)   

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