Premier film
Thor (2011)
X-men: first class (2011)
Films à venir
Thor: ragnarok (2017)
X-men: apocalypse (2016)
Films célèbres
Avengers: age of ultron (2015), The avengers (2012), Thor: the dark world (2013)
X-men: days of future past (2014)
Autres Films
The avengers lego adventure (2013), Thor: god of thunder (2013)
Not Yet Appeared
Films Animés
Premier film d'animation
Ultimate avengers (2006)
Not yet announced
Prochains films d'animation
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
Célèbres films d'animation
Hulk vs. (2009), Next avengers: heroes of tomorrow (2008), Thor: tales of asgard (2011), Ultimate avengers II (2006)
Not yet appeared
D'autres Films d'animation
The Badly Animated Marvel Christmas Carol (2014), Thor in the playroom (2013)
Not yet appeared