
Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier

Black Panther
Black Panther

Winter Soldier
Black Panther

Winter Soldier vs Black Panther Powers

1 Powers
1.1 Strength Level
4400 lbsNA
Heat Wave Powers
100 880000
1.2 Statistics
1.2.1 Intelligence
Solomon Grundy Powers
9 100
1.2.2 Strength
Rocket Raccoon Powers
5 100
1.2.3 Speed
John Constantine Powers
8 100
1.2.4 Durability
Longshot Powers
10 100
1.2.5 Power
Namor Powers
1 100
1.2.6 Combat
KillGrave Powers
10 100
1.3 Super Powers
1.3.1 Special Powers
Bionic Arm, Electrical Discharge, EMP, Enhanced Reaction Time, Extended Reach, Sensory Array, Stabalization Sensors
Black Panther Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Diplomatic Immunity, Immune system
1.3.2 Physical Powers
Super human agility, Super human endurance, Super human stamina, Super human strength
Super human agility, Super human durability, Super human reflexes, Super human senses, Super human speed, Super human stamina, Super human strength, Super smell
1.4 Weapons
1.4.1 Armor
A uniform composed of steel mesh and chain mail., Bullet Proof Fabric Costume
Panther Habit (Vibranium Suit)
1.4.2 Gadgets
Cybernetic Arm
Anti-Metal Claws, Cloaking Technology, Energy Daggers, Energy Shield, Kimoyo Card, Projectiles, Teleporter, Vibranium-based boots
1.4.3 Equipment
Combat Knives, Conventional Firearms, Explosives, Modified Hand-Gun, Sniper Rifles
Claws, Knives, Spears, Swords
1.5 Abilities
1.5.1 Physical Abilities
Advanced Scout, Unarmed Combat, Marksmanship, Martial Artist, Acrobat, Skilled Shield Fighter, Weapon Master
Acrobat, Marksmanship, Martial Artist, Weapon Master
1.5.2 Mental Abilities
Escape Artist, Leadership, Multilingualism, Espionage
Genius level intellect, Indomitable will, Tracking

Winter Soldier vs Black Panther Superpowers

Here comes the most anticipated segment for comparison of these two characters i.e. Winter Soldier vs Black Panther superpowers. Powers and abilities define their strength, both physical and mental. So what will happen if these two super characters engage in a fight? Here you can compare Winter Soldier vs Black Panther powers, abilities, weapons and gadgets. So lets check out Winter Soldier Powers and Black Panther Powers.Decide who is more powerful!