1 Powers
1.1 Strength Level
880000 lbs15400 lbs
1.2 Statistics
1.2.1 Intelligence
1.2.2 Strength
1.2.3 Speed
1.2.4 Durability
1.2.5 Power
1.2.6 Combat
1.3 Super Powers
1.3.1 Special Powers
Immortal, Heat vision, Energy absorption, Ice Breath
Blast power, Chemical Secretion, Electricity control, Flight, Pheromone Control, Poisonous, Wall clinger
1.3.2 Physical Powers
Super human agility, Super human hearing, Super human sight, Super human speed, Super human stamina, Super human strength, Super Sight, Super smell
Super human agility, Super human hearing, Super human speed, Super human stamina, Super human strength
1.4 Weapons
1.4.1 Armor
1.4.2 Gadgets
1.4.3 Equipment
No Equipment
Walther PPK Handgun
1.5 Abilities
1.5.1 Physical Abilities
Healing, Longevity, Unarmed Combat, Flight
Escape artist, Weapon Master
1.5.2 Mental Abilities
Invulnerability to mental attacks, Genius level intellect, Leadership
Multilingualism, Tracking
2 Real Name
2.1 Name
2.1.1 Alter Ego
Mark Milton
Jessica Miriam Drew
2.1.2 Alias
Zhib-Ran Mark Milton Mr. Kant Marcus Milton
Arachne, Ariadne Hyde, Hunter, Sybil Dvorak, Redback
2.2 Who Played
2.2.1 In Films
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
2.3 Family
2.3.1 Love Interest
2.4 Genre
2.4.1 Gender1
2.4.2 Gender2
2.4.3 Identity
2.4.4 Alignment
2.4.5 Gender
3 Enemies
3.1 Enemies of
3.1.1 Foes
3.2 Weakness
3.2.1 Elemental Weakness
3.2.2 Medical Weakness
Susceptible to Radiation
3.3 And Friends
3.3.1 Friends
3.3.2 Sidekick
3.3.3 Teams
Not Available
Not Available
4 Facts
4.1 Origin
4.1.1 Date of Birth
4.1.2 Creator
John buscema, Roy thomas
Archie Goodwin, Jim Mooney, Sal Buscema
4.1.3 Universe
4.1.4 Publisher
4.2 First Appearance
4.2.1 In Comics
The Avengers #85 - The World Is Not For Burning
Marvel Spotlight #32
4.2.2 Comic Appearances
492 Issues1612 Issues
4.3 Characteristics
4.3.1 Height
4.3.2 Hair Color
4.3.3 Weight
4.3.4 Eye Color
4.4 Profile
4.4.1 Race
4.4.2 Citizenship
4.4.3 Marital Status
4.4.4 Occupation
Adventurer; (Formerly) Cartoonist, government agent
Form agent of HYDRA, former bounty hunter, private investigator, adventurer
4.4.5 Base
4.4.6 Relatives
Not Available
Not Available
5 Movies List
5.1 Movies
5.1.1 First Movie
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
5.1.2 Upcoming Movies
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.1.3 Famous Movies
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
5.1.4 Other Movies
Not Yet Appeared
Not Yet Appeared
5.2 Media Characters
5.3 Animated Movies
5.3.1 First Animated Movie
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
5.3.2 Upcoming Animated Movies
Not yet announced
Not yet announced
5.3.3 Famous Animated Movies
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
5.3.4 Other Animated Movies
Not yet appeared
Not yet appeared
6 Games List
6.1 Xbox Games
6.1.1 Xbox 360
Not yet appeared
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Marvel: ultimate alliance 2 (2009)
6.1.2 Xbox
Not yet appeared
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)
6.2 PS Games
6.2.1 PS3
Not yet appeared
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Marvel: ultimate alliance 2 (2009)
6.2.2 PS4
Not yet appeared
Lego marvel super heroes (2013)
6.2.3 PS2
Not yet appeared
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Marvel: ultimate alliance 2 (2009)
6.3 PC Games
6.3.1 Macintosh
Not yet appeared
Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006), Marvel: ultimate alliance 2 (2009)
6.3.2 Windows
Not yet appeared
Lego marvel super heroes (2013), Marvel super hero squad online (2011), Marvel: ultimate alliance (2006)