Zuerst movie
X2 (2003)
Batman Forever (1995)
Kommende Filme
Deadpool (2016)
The masks we wear (2015)
Berühmte Filme
X-men: days of future past (2014)
Batman revealed (2012), Gotham (2011), Penguin: Bird of Prey (2015)
Andere Filme
X-men: the last stand (2006)
Batman Rebuilt (2008)
Animierte Filme
Zuerst Animierten Film
Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Creating the Alliance (2006)
Batman: a face a laugh a crow (2006)
Anstehenden Animierten Film
Not yet announced
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2015)
Berühmten Animierten Film
Spider-Man and the Rise of Darkness (2014)
Arkham Knight Fight (2015), Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2015), Batman: Dark Flight (2015), The Dark Knight Stumbles (2015)
Andere Animierten Film
Marvel Ultimate Alliance: The Ink to Game Process (2006), Marvel Ultimate Alliance: The Ultimate Game (2006)
All-star superman (2011)